Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well it's a new year. Time to reflect on last year and decide what your going to do to improve the up and coming one. I'm approaching this year with trepidation and excitement all wrapped into one. I'm looking forward to what God's going to do, but at the same time I'm stepping lightly into this year as the past few years have been 'molding' years. The Christian life is most assuredly not easy. It is, on the other hand, rewarding - whether we gain treasures here on earth or we're storing up treasures in heaven. A relationship with Christ far outweighs any struggle we encounter! He gives us the strength and grace to push forward when all obstacles are against us. Interesting how I have to move to Kenya to comprehend more of God's character. I cannot say exactly why He moved me here, but I can say I've learned some pretty difficult lessons. I am more aware of myself as a sinner and God as a holy and righteous God. My many faults are more evident but so is God's grace and mercy. He's faithful and that's pretty much all there is to it.

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