Sunday, February 27, 2011


Do you ever feel like an oddball? Perhaps you have a certain style of dress, or music that you listen to, or opinions that others don't share. There are many things that set each of us apart. Sometimes I feel that way but not in manner of appearance. Sometimes I get so excited about what God is doing in my life that I want to tell everyone. Sometimes I just want to shout. I understand that sounds a bit charismatic but I don't care. I don't always behave the way I feel because of fear...mostly. I don't want people getting the impression that I think I'm super spiritual. I also don't want people to think I'm a hypocrite because let's face it - no one is perfect. I'm going to say things I shouldn't or do things I shouldn't now matter how hard I try not to. Even being in a Christian community I feel hindered to really express myself. In Bible college one of my professors used to call me "praise girl" because every day I had a praise to share. I didn't always have a prayer request, but I could always look for something to praise God about. These days it seems more acceptable to complain than to speak about God's goodness and abound with a heart of thanksgiving. I've decided to spend just 2 days in praise to God. I will not complain or groan or moan. I will only say aloud what will give honor to my Savior. Care to participate in my challenge? You are welcome to do so! Have a blessed day, and I hope you spend it giving glory to God.


This past Tuesday I got into a car accident. I can't help but reflect on God's protection. I was hit my a speeding matatu. A matatu is a van that picks and drops off people sort of like a bus. The matatu hit me on the driver's side at my wheel. He hit me hard enough to bend the wheel's axle. Just a split second later, and I might not have been able to write this post right now. I walked away with a stolen cell phone and a bruised cheek, arm, and knee. Praise God! I got a new phone yesterday, and I'm still waiting to find out the cost of the damages to my vehicle. Can I say again - Praise God? Things could have been so much worse. I cannot stop thanking Him for keeping me safe. Praise His name forever!!

Smooth sailing...I mean driving

The road that I take to work was a horrible road filled with potholes when I first moved here. In the last few years it has slowly transformed into one of the best roads in Nairobi. Each morning as I go to work I praise God that I have a smooth road to drive on. It may seem like a small, mundane thing, but to me it shows God's goodness to His children.

God's Promises

Today marked my third week of teaching children's church. Our curriculum is all about the promises of God. The first two weeks I taught about how God promises to meet our needs. This week I started teaching about how God will not withhold any good thing. I opened the lesson with an object lesson. I laid out a rolling pin, fork, knife, and cookie cutters. I asked the students to pretend they were 4 yr. old and were coming over to my house to make cookies. I gave them permission to play with the rolling pin to flatten out the dough, the fork to make designs, and the cookie cutters to make shapes. I told them that I was withholding the knife. They agreed that if they were indeed 4 years old it would not be safe to play with the knife. I related this to how sometimes God withholds things because they are not best for us at that particular time. I asked them if it was wrong to ever use a knife. They said no because when they get older they are fully capable of safely handling a knife. But at 4 yr. old it would not be safe. I would withhold it for their good. While teaching this lesson I thought about how this relates to my own life. For years I have desired to get married and have a family. These desires are not wrong. They are biblical. Yet God has withheld that desire from me. Rightly so!!... might I add. Had God brought a husband into my life any earlier I may not be on the mission field today. He is so very good to His children. He knows when the right timing to bestow gifts on us is. I don't know when God will or if He ever will bring a husband into my life, but I trust that He is sovereign... He knows best... and he will not withhold any good thing. What an amazing God we serve!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's not malaria!!

I went to the doctor yesterday. They thought I might have had malaria, but after two tests that said negative the conclusion was that it's not malaria. Apparently I have a really bad bacterial infection. I found out today that it's in my lungs.