Sunday, February 27, 2011

God's Promises

Today marked my third week of teaching children's church. Our curriculum is all about the promises of God. The first two weeks I taught about how God promises to meet our needs. This week I started teaching about how God will not withhold any good thing. I opened the lesson with an object lesson. I laid out a rolling pin, fork, knife, and cookie cutters. I asked the students to pretend they were 4 yr. old and were coming over to my house to make cookies. I gave them permission to play with the rolling pin to flatten out the dough, the fork to make designs, and the cookie cutters to make shapes. I told them that I was withholding the knife. They agreed that if they were indeed 4 years old it would not be safe to play with the knife. I related this to how sometimes God withholds things because they are not best for us at that particular time. I asked them if it was wrong to ever use a knife. They said no because when they get older they are fully capable of safely handling a knife. But at 4 yr. old it would not be safe. I would withhold it for their good. While teaching this lesson I thought about how this relates to my own life. For years I have desired to get married and have a family. These desires are not wrong. They are biblical. Yet God has withheld that desire from me. Rightly so!!... might I add. Had God brought a husband into my life any earlier I may not be on the mission field today. He is so very good to His children. He knows when the right timing to bestow gifts on us is. I don't know when God will or if He ever will bring a husband into my life, but I trust that He is sovereign... He knows best... and he will not withhold any good thing. What an amazing God we serve!

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