Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a good Easter service yesterday. It was the first time in a while I was able to be in an actual service and not with the kiddos. After the service we had the Lord's Supper. 'The Old Rugged Cross' was played during the time of the Lord's Supper. After thinking of my family for several days I thought of the first time I heard that song. It was at my mama's funeral. It was her favorite hymn and I had never heard it until that day. It's interesting how music can bring you back to memories from long ago. When I became a Christian I remember how I finally understood that precious hymn. I had no longer thought of my mama first when I heard it but of Christ and the wonderful sacrifice he made for me on that old rugged cross. Yesterday though I thought of my mama and how much I miss her. No matter how many wonderful women I have in my life no one will take her place. She was strong, spontaneous, and just plain fun. I like to think that in some ways I'm like her. Probably one of the hardest things for me is that I don't even remember what she sounded like. I can't remember my daddy's voice either. I understand God's purpose in taking them but it doesn't take away the sadness that I sometimes feel in not having them. I was supposed to go to lunch with friends after church but was a bit too emotional to go out. I went home and spent time with the one Person in my life who will always be there for me. It's amazing what therapy for the soul tears can be. Pouring my heart out to the Lord was what I needed. I didn't need to go out with people even though I'm sure they would have helped to make me laugh. I know that friendships take time and sometimes I get impatient. I think of all my wonderful friends back home and wish I had that type of support group here. I have to remind myself that those relationships were built over time and they didn't happen instantaneously. I'm very thankful for the new friendships that I've made here. I'm sad that the one friend I've grown the closest to will be leaving to go back to the States. But I also know that God has a purpose in it. I know that He sees the big picture and I only see one frame at a time.

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