Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Speck of Light

Yesterday in class I showed the movie "Facing the Giants" to my students. I'd never seen the movie before and there's one part where a kid who's very disrespectful to his dad gets his heart right with the Lord and apologizes to his dad. During this part one of my students, who's very disrespectful to his mom and dad, looked up at me and there were tears in his eyes. It was obvious that the Lord was working on his heart. This student is not a Christian and honestly I was getting discouraged because it didn't seem like anything was getting through to him. I had prayed specifically for him yesterday morning and I praise God that He chose to encourage me to not lose heart. He has a plan for this boy and I'm a vessel that He's chosen (what a privilege!!!!) to share His message with him. On Sunday we had a visiting preacher at church and something he said has stuck out to me and I've thought on it all week. He said that many times we don't think God is as powerful as He is. How true that statement is! God desires for this boy to know Him and the sheer fact that his parents are not believers and don't want to be believers but have him in our school is a miracle. They send him to our school for the character building that we teach. Little do they know how much he is daily exposed to Bible verses and a clear message of the Gospel. God's Word changes hearts and he's hearing God's Word regularly. Please pray for his salvation. I know God is at work!

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