Monday, May 31, 2010

Leavin' on a jet plane... don't know when I'll be back again....

I leave tonight for the States. I have mixed feelings. Part of me is very excited to see family and friends. Another part of me is sad to be leaving home for 5 weeks. I can tell I'm drained though and in desperate need of some rest and relaxation. My friend Anne and I have been joking lately about me being superwoman. I think I give off the impression that I am superwoman to many people. I have a new position at work next year. I'll be teaching 5th grade and be the lead teacher for the elementary. To be honest I'm not really looking forward to it. I know it will be a lot of work. I've prayed about it and I know that God is leading me to do it. Do you ever just want to say, "No God, I don't want to be obedient"? That's a very unspiritual thing to say I'm sure. My goal in life is not to seem spiritual. My goal in life is to please the Savior. Perhaps it's childish to say such things, but at least it's being honest. In Christian circles I think we're so focused on giving off this image of perfection that we fail to let people see who we really are. The truth is that we're all sinners saved by grace. We will fail because we are NOT perfect. We strive toward godliness and holiness, but until we reach heaven we won't arrive. We can't live on mountaintops forever. The valleys must come, and I'm going through one right now. I'm thankful for God and His Word to comfort my heart and renew me daily. I'm looking forward to being at my home church and worshiping with 'family'. I can't wait to see people that I've developed such close friendships with over the years. You guys know who you are and as the apostle Paul would say, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you". I love you all and can't wait to spend time with you! He is so faithful and He is so good to His children!

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