Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In His Hands

Lately, the Lord has really been teaching me that He is in control! I tend to want to know exactly what the day holds and take charge of it. He's saying to me 'Slow down Julie, I know what I'm doing." Some days I wish I knew what my students were thinking. I wish there was something humanly possible I could do for my students to become Christians but I am fully aware that I'm only the messenger. My responsibility is to live a life that edifies and magnifies Christ Jesus and to share His love and sacrifice with them. Last week I felt overwhelmed by my responsibilities. I didn't serve with a cheerful heart as I should have and I definitely didn't put my all into my lessons when it came to my church classes. Ministry is about people. It's not about me picking and choosing what I prefer to do. I need to be available to those that need a listening ear. God is teaching me to put my selfish desires aside to better be used by Him. It's humbling to think that the God of the universe would use even me with all of my flaws and failures. I praise Him that He uses me! I am clay in His hands desiring to be molded into His image each and every day. All things happen for a reason and it's in seeing the blessings even in the difficult times when I hear God's voice the clearest. Just as Elijah heard God in a still small voice I believe He speaks to our hearts in that way even today. The Scriptures have comforted me these last few days as I've missed my parents. Sure, I may not have a mom to call and pour my heart out to or a dad to snuggle up next to on the couch but I have an Abba Father who loves me more than they even did when they were here with me. He will never leave me, He will never fail me, and He knows what's best for me.

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