Thursday, February 26, 2009

Better Days

Yesterday was a pretty rough day. My students chose to be uncooperative and I didn't feel well. That combination is usually a recipe for disaster. I left school discouraged and went to Bible study. It was an interesting Bible study. I stayed pretty quiet but my mind was going a mile a minute. Today was the complete opposite of yesterday. My students were fantastic (that's how they normally are). I don't know what got into them yesterday. I guess they were just having an off day. This morning I woke up skeptical about how the day would go. I went online and a friend shared a verse with me that I needed. Then I read something online that was an encouragement. Then during my students morning recess I was reading my Bible and I came to the exact verses I needed. God is so good! His Word has encouraged my heart yet again. Praise His name!!

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