Sunday, January 25, 2009


I had a good day at church this morning. I help with the older kids children's church during the main service. The children's director will be leaving in two weeks to go on furlough in the states. When she returns next January she will be moving north of Nairobi to work in the bush. I was asked this morning if I would help to take over her position. I am glad to be getting more involved with the children's ministry at church. I was also asked to help with the single ladies' ministry. I don't feel quite as comfortable in that role but I know the Lord will help me to do my best. Next Saturday I am attending an Indian wedding take place at our church. I don't know the bride or groom but everyone in the church is invited. This will be the first Christian wedding in the family. It is an arranged marriage and the bride and groom have not met. No one really knows what to expect. I'm looking forward to attending.

Side note: The visit to Heshima was canceled. We are trying to reschedule for another time.

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