Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's a Zoo out Here!

I have been on Christmas break for the last two weeks. I have had so much fun! The first week was spent hanging out with friends and camping at Hell’s Gate. While at Hell’s Gate I got to see many amazing animals. I saw ostrich, giraffe, zebra, impala, eland, warthog, and baboons. The park is known for baboons hassling visitors and thankfully they did not bother us. Our neighboring campers on the other hand got several food items stolen from them. The landscape at Hell’s Gate is one of the most beautiful sites I’ve ever seen. My camera was full of pictures by the end of the day. I must admit though that after two days of not showering I was glad to get home and be clean again. This past Wednesday I went to Nairobi National Museum. There were several interesting things to see and learn about. Friday I went to Paradise Lost. A few friends and I explored a cave, walked behind a waterfall, swung on a vine, hiked, paddle boated, rode a camel, and picnicked. It was quite the eventful day. Today I went to Nairobi National Park and this day marks the first day I’ve seen a lion in the wild. It was a female and she was no more than 10 feet away from me. Other animals that I saw today in the wild that I previously have not are hartebeests, buffalo, a rhinoceros, a crocodile, and serval cats. Next week I go on a safari to Maasai Mara.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you got to see all those animals in the wild before they die out. Only seen them in the zoos I have.