Friday, January 16, 2009

Life is Precious

Day before yesterday my roommate and I saw a man lying on the ground right outside our compound. We actually almost ran over him as we turned in to enter the gate. His flip flops were off his feet and there was drool streaming down the side of his mouth. His eyes were wide open and staring straight ahead without expression. Amy and I feared that he was dead. As we entered our gate we asked our askari, George, what was wrong with him. Just as I suspected George explained to us that he had a seizure. We were distressed over this situation and wanted to help. George assured us that he kept watching the man through the gate. We were told that helping was not the best solution. Our househelp Jocinta explained to us that people fake things like that all the time hoping that a good Samaritan comes by so they can mug them. My heart breaks even more for these people who have nothing and feel as if they must steal and deceive in order to survive. We did find out later that a good Samaritan had picked the man up and taken him to the hospital because he indeed is an epileptic.

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